Day 11 - Sex and Gender in the Belle Epoch

Task -- To define some of the assumptions and values associated with gender and sexuality by different groups in Paris in the Late 19th Century

Gender Roles of Women

Karen Offen, “Women, Citizenship, and Suffrage in France Since 1789” in William B. Cohen,  The Transformation of Modern France (Houghton Mifflin: Boston. 1996), pp. 125-126, 128– 131.

Eugen Weber, France: Fin de Siècle (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1986), pp. 88-89, 90-97, 99.

Rosalind Williams, Dream Worlds, "Dreams of Love and Wealth" (Consumerism and gender images)

Paul Smith, Impressionism and the Impressionists, Feminist Interpretations of Impressionism

Images of Women

Gender Roles of Men

Robert Nye, “The Culture of the Sword: Manliness and Fencing in the Third Republic” from Masculinity and Male Codes of Honor in Modern France (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), pp. 148-153, 160-161.

Sexual Harassment in the Streets of Paris


Blog Posts on Marriage


Christopher Thompson, “Un troisième sexe? Les bourgeoises et la bicyclette dans la France fin de siècle, Le Mouvement social, No. 192 (July-September 2000), pp.9-14, 16-18, 26.

Manet's Nana

Raymond Rudorff, Belle Epoque

Descriptions of Prostitution

Two women turning to prostitution

Degrees of Prostitution

1861 Report on Prostitution in Paris

Jean Beraud, The Box by the Stalls (1883)